Sleep apnea when driving
Many truck drivers are concerned about DOT CPAP compliance and what it means for their driving careers. They recommend assessing your risk for sleep apnea and treated for the purpose of making the roads safer.

How Can Sleep Apnea Affect Your Driving?
According to the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) "Sleep apnea not only affects your sleep, it also affects your daytime performance and alertness. If this goes untreated it can make it hard for you to stay focused, stay awake, and even react quickly to any scenario."
Can You Still Drive if You Have Sleep Apnea?
The FMCSA recommends "a person with a medical history or clinical diagnosis of any condition likely to interfere with their ability to drive safely cannot be medically qualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) in interstate commerce.
However, once successfully treated, a driver may regain their “medically-qualified-to-drive” status. It is important to note that most cases of sleep apnea can be treated successfully.
Because each State sets its own medical standards for driving a CMV in intrastate commerce, check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles for regulations in your State."

What Should You Do Once You Lean You Have Sleep Apnea?
According to the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) "You and/or your doctor should contact the medical qualifying examiner to determine your fitness to operate a commercial motor vehicle and to get help with treatment."